I’m a Life Coach, Artist and Catalyst for purpose-driven dreamers, starseeds and lightworkers just like you.
I use my intuitive and God-given gifts to help my clients transmute their limiting beliefs and take the action steps that lead them to the fulfillment of their calling.
It's all about transforming your LIFE in the fastest way possible! RIGHT?
Are you tired of hearing yourself telling people I can't do this because?
Frustrated with all the work you have done with affirmations, reading books and still feeling stuck?
Tired of not being heard because you still can't find the courage to speak up?
Feeling like you are too old to change?
If I can change how I looked at my past you can!!
I spent many years self healing myself from sexual abuse and abusive relationships.
I kept getting myself into terrible relationships, seeing trouble everywhere because I was still stuck in the survivor mode of my life.
I distrusted my inner voice for so long despite all the signs that I was not alone, kept second guessing myself about what to say and was afraid to be seen because I might offend someone by what I was saying.
Then BAM I started seeing the bigger picture of my life when I asked.
When I started to ask for things to appear, they did. I threw my hands up in the air and said ENOUGH OF THIS, I NEED HELP!
Opportunities to stretch myself began showing up so I just kept asking. Then more options came and I allowed myself to become trained by a wonderful instructor in PSYCH-K and my huge awakening began.
Doing the inner work things really started to shift my life. When I did the deeper mindset work on my subconscious I finally saw the bigger picture of why I was here, accept my mission, allow my voice to be heard and start taking action in so many different ways than before.
Moving from my survivor past let me see the gifts of my life and that is what I can give you. Not only a different perspective BUT literally changing your mind easily and effortlessly.
I am here to tell you it is never too late to step into mission, raise your voice, become more visible and live a life that you have dreamed of. Just be you being here and reading this means you are wanting to change your life.
We are so much more than we can ever imagine, and we are here make a difference in the world and be the best we can be.
TODAY , I am a Warrior from my experiences of moving through sexual abuse through to the other side of the experiences to see love.
This gives me the passion and resilient strength needed to make sure I set great boundaries and allow my voice to be heard.
I gained my skills through my many courses of alternative healing of over 30 years.
My age gives allows me to embrace my Crone wisdom that it is never too late to serve.
Just head over to my offerings big or small.
I want to give you the confidence or to really go for it and really change your life.