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              ACension Alchemy  

Ascension Alchemy is mindset/coaching transformation program


to help you fully embody the new energies that are now here.

Coaching/Mindset change and part channeled guidance and support from my guides.

Time to let go of that tame conditioned mind and learn new things about who you truly are. 


It is time to come out of your head without shame or analysis, shame or judgement. 

It is literally about rewriting your hu-man story.

Lift you up into accepting the greatness that you are!

Releasing the pain of your past!

Expanding your human perspective of what is possible.

Let go of anxiety of speaking up.

Detoxing your surrounding energy fields!

Help you trust in your Divine Plan!

Wind back your body’s time clock!

Heal old relationship issues!

This is a one to one program as everyone has different issues in their lives and yet with my process new beliefs in one area often affect other areas of your life.

Changing your mindset will give you a new vibration to attract new experiences, allow you to see the higher aspects of your human journey and get to the core aspects as to why you chose your family.


To begin taking inspired actions to give you the life of your dreams.

The bonus? 

Practical guidance and support from my guides, who I channel verbally in my sessions. They are always around me and giving me hints as to help my clients while I work with them. This allows me to dive through the layers of beliefs and get to the core issue and belief that has been eluding you as to why you feel stuck.

 What a typical session looks like.


That depends on what you need. We can do coaching/ mentoring.

We can do just on of these elements or we can work with any other combination that you need.

Working with a beautiful process called PSYCH-K each step of the way that easily rewrites those old beliefs that we uncover that have kept you feeling stuck in your life.

After working with me for three 90 minute sessions for 6 months, you will be amazed at how you have transformed not only your mindset but also the life experiences you encounter.


Sign up today

Sign up now to make those changes in your life and or business.

I have limited spaces available for this program.

Working one-to-one to helps you transform your life and take inspired actions as well as lots of extras to help you create a life of your dreams.

I will send you a questionnaire to fill out before your first session to give me an idea of what you want to be seeing in your life.

Inside Ascension Alchemy you will receive

  • An Initial 90-minute clarity call to give us a solid jumping off point. This will be where we break down where you are in this exact moment, where you’d like to grow, and the steps we can take to get you there.​

  • Email + text support between sessions so you never, ever feel alone 

  • 3 monthly  90-minute coaching sessions (via Zoom) where your beliefs will be changed to keep moving the needle forward towards your new awareness

  • Chakra balancing, Past life vows, Soul Contracts, Family & Ancestral  consciousness, Aura Field and higher self connection can be covered 


  • Weekly action assignments to keep you in a steady, spiritual awakening

  • And little surprises along the way! 


Your investment  is just 
for 6 months

( payment options available)

Buy with PayPal
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Before working with Janet I was fearful at work and procrastinating

all the time 

which made me gave me major stress in my life.

Often feeling overwhelmed and tired.

Janet listened with great empathy and provided me with the sounding board I needed to finally voice my frustrations about my life and my work.

Since working with Janet I have released lots of limiting beliefs that prevented me from showing the world what I could do.

I have had major shifts in my perception of work, with my family and with my friends- all positive changes.

Right after one session I had with her I was extremely tired and just relaxed and then a few days later I started sleeping all night long (according to my sleep app) - I have not done this in YEARS!!!!

I even started exercising and LOVE it.

I am forever grateful


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